Computer Centre

The Computer Centre is a central facility of the University which caters to the needs of the students, research scholars, and faculty/scientist and staff members of the University. The campus has Wi-Fi connectivity in most of the departments/units of the University for easy access of Internet. It has got round the clock power backup with 24/7 high speed broadband Internet connectivity.
Activities of Computer Center:
(A) BAU-NET: University is getting free of cost high speed Internet facility via National Knowledge Network (NKN) project, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. Under this project, a router has been provided by National Informatics Centre, New Delhi and internet connectivity with 1 GBPS has been provided NIC, Ranchi through BSNL, Ranchi which is functional since January 2013. With this facility, Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Offices of University Head Quarter, College of Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Central Library, Hostels and Guest houses have been connected through Local Area Network. At present around 400 nodes are connected through LAN.
(B) BAU website ( The management of University website is being done by staff of the Computer Centre and data is uploaded as and when required.
(C) All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE): This project has been initiated by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India in 2011 to prepare sound Data Base on a large and diverse system of Higher Education in the Country. The survey covers all the institutions in the Country engaged in imparting in the Higher Education. The activities of this project includes collection and uploading of data related to teaching and non-teaching man power, student enrollment, examination results, academic programmes, finance, pupil-teacher ratio and gender parity index for development of education sector. The data is uploaded every year at AISHE web portal
(D) Academic Management System (AMS): The AMS ( is the IT based programme hosted by IASRI , ICAR, New Delhi. This system is financially supported by BAU and technically by IASRI, New Delhi at ICAR(HQ) and by IT team at BAU . The AMS deals with the online admission, fee collection , course registration, faculty allocation, course allotment, exam and result, submit of registration card of all the eleven colleges working under BAU.
(E) Video Conferencing System: A Video Conferencing room with capacity of 25 persons has been developed at the Computer Centre and Video Conferencing Meeting is arranged as and when required.
(F) IIRS, Dehradun Remote Sensing OUTREACH Programme for Students and Faculty:
Following online courses have been organized in collaboration with Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradune. The participants were from Birsa Agril University, Central University, Institute of Forest Productivity, ICAR Institute and after completion of courses, certificate were given to participants.
S. No | Course Titles | Schedule | Duration |
1 | Basic Principles of Remote Sensing Technology | April 13-25, 2020 | 2 Weeks |
2 | Planetary Geosciences | June 08-12, 2020 | 1 Week |
3 | “Remote Sensing & GIS Technology and Applications” for University Teachers & Government Officials | June 13 – July 01, 2020 | 3 Week |
4 | Application of Geoinformatics in Ecological Studies | July 13-24, 2020 | 2 Weeks |
5 | RS Applications in Agricultural Water Management | August 03-07, 2020 | 1 Week |
6 | Basics of “Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System and Global Navigation Satellite System | August 17 – November 20, 2019 | 14 Weeks |
7 | Remote Sensing and Digital Image Analysis | August 17 – September 11,2020 | 4 Weeks |
Team Members
S.No. | Name | Position / College | Phone | |
1 | Dr. N. Kudada | Nodal Officer | 0651-2450022, 9934270068 |, |
2 | Dr. B. K. Jha | Coordinator | 8789709445 | |
3 | Dr. Md. I. A. Ansari | Prof. In-charge | 9431769398 | |
4 | Sri Anil Kumar Pandey | Technical Assistant (Audio Visual Aids) | 9576185811 | |
5 | Mr. Manish Kumar | Computer Assistant | 7992382339 | |