Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand

( A State Government University )

Phulo-Jhano Murmu College of Dairy Technology, Dumka


The journey for establishment of a college related to dairy science and technology for Santhal region was started by putting foundation stone, which was jointly laid by Shri Arjun Munda (Chief Minister of Jharkhand) and Shri Shibu Soren (President Co-ordination Committee Jharkhand) on 29.04.2011.

On 08.06.2016 this college got affiliation under the headship of Chief Minister of Jharkhand as constituent college of Birsa Agricultural University. The erstwhile College of Dairy Technology, now rechristened Phulo-Jhano Murmu College of Dairy Technology by Governor’s Secretariat Memo no. BAU-04/2009/2296/GS dated 11.09.18, Ranchi.

Phulo-Jhano Murmu College of Dairy Technology, Hansdiha, Dumka is the 1st and only College related to Dairy Science and Technology in the soil of Jharkhand. The main motive behind putting foundation stone of College of Dairy Technology was not only to make state self-sufficient in milk production and management but also to generate enormous job opportunities. With this Nobel motive, College of Dairy Technology was started at Ranchi Veterinary College Campus on 28th August 2017. Later it is shifted to its envisaged campus at Hansdiha, Dumka on 17th December 2018. Then College was officially inaugurated by Hon’ble Governor-cum-Chancellor of Universities of the State of Jharkhand on 19.08.2019.

Associate Dean

Dr. Alok Kumar Pandey
Mobile: 9431325526
Email: deandt.dumka@gmail.com, dralokkumarpandey@gmail.com