Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand

( A State Government University )

Central Library

The Central Library, Birsa Agricultural University was established in the year 1987. Sincere efforts have been made to equip the library with latest Books, Periodicals and other Resources of Learning. The Post graduate Students, Research Scholars and Scientists engaged in various CAR/State Govt. /Govt. of India research schemes are taking full advantage of the valuable collections of Books and periodicals of the library.

The University Library is dedicated to the promotion of Educational Research and Extension in the field Agriculture, Veterinary, Forestry and Biotechnology and applied Sciences. The Library is growing very fast with Computers, Internet, Multimedia Units and various electronic systems due to the whole hearted financial support extended by ICAR and State Govt. The Library caters to the informational needs of Students, Teachers, Scientists, Research Scholars of all the educational institutes situated in the State of Jharkhand and visiting agricultural scientists from the other parts of the country.

Fig 1 Central Library Building

Fig 2 Central Library Building

Fig 3 Electro Magnetic Gate

Fig 4 Reading arrangement of Central Library

Space and Holdings

The Library has spacious reading accommodation with large shelving stack area, where the readers can consult books & other publications under open access system. The Library has a total area of 3000 sq. mts. out of which about 1500 sq. mts. is occupied for stacking of inventory, about 500 sq. mts. is utilized as reading hall, and rest of the area at the ground floor is utilized for circulation, photocopy room, librarians and other staff rooms.

The First Floor of the Library Building is having a latest computer Centre/e-Learning Resources and another hall of the first floor is the in-house Conference Hall.

The central Library has ultra modern collections of about 14000 Books, e-Books, Bound Volumes, advanced level monographs, directories, reprints, dissertations and other reading materials.

Photocopying Facility

Photocopiers have been installed in all colleges as well as in central Library to provide photocopying facility. This is a self supporting scheme where the users pay Rs. 0.80 per page towards photocopying charges. Central Library has efficient photocopy section, it provides uninterrupted photocopy services to the students, scientists and teachers with generator facility.

Fig 5 Photo copy machine of Central Library

Availability of Computers and access to Internet

Central Library has entered the era of information technology using computers and Internet facility for information storage and retrieval. The in-house activities of the library are handled by “LibSys & Koha” the Library Information & Management Systems Software package.

The library also has access to different agricultural Databases subscribed by the library through Internet facilities having connectivity of 1 Gbps through lease line installed in the University Computer Centre. The Library is using E-mail and Internet facilities for information dissemination

Fig 6 Computer Lab

Audio-Visual and Multimedia Support

The Library is having a well-furnished Conference Hall/Committee Room having capacity of about 100 seats for occasional Meetings / Workshops / Symposia etc. The Conference Hall Committee Room is fully equipped with audio-visual facilities such as LCD Projectors with large screen

Following are the list of resources available in the library:

Sl. NoItemsNo.
1Collection of Books13319
4Bound Journals1682
5Indian e-Journals at CeRA213
Foreign e-Journals at CeRA705
6Book Donated250
7Periodicals/ Magazines19
8Xeroxing Machine02
9Computer 10

Team Members

NameDesignationContact No.E-mail
Dr. Sailesh Chattopadhyay University Librarian9431580008saileshranchi@gmail.com
Sri Manish KumarAssistant Librarian9431175038manish183@gmail.com,