Dean, Faculty of Forestry, Ranchi
Dr M S Malik
Mobile: 8789823611, 9934582241
The Faculty of Forestry is one of three faculties of the Birsa Agricultural University and is the oldest in the country. The Faculty at present has only one college. In 1979 & 1980 two batches of Forest Rangers were trained from this Faculty along with B.Sc. Forestry degree programme and the college became first in the country to offer Undergraduate programme, while in other Universities this programme was started from 1985.
After passing 38 years in B.Sc. & M.Sc. Forestry education, the Faculty today is offering also PhD degree programme in Forestry. The 5th Dean’s Committee Report of Indian Council of Agriculture Research New Delhi, with revised B.Sc.(H) Forestry Course Curriculam 2017 has been introduced in Forestry College. Also in 2009, we have implemented National Postgraduate Curricula recommended by ICAR and ICFRE in Forestry and introduced M.Sc. Forestry programme with specialization in six fields: Agro forestry, Plantation Technology, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Environment Management, Eco-tourism and Forest Business Management. Forestry Faculty is equipped with U.G & PG Laboratories.
The physical training is compulsory at U.G. level and students are exposed outside forestry through Local field Excursion, and study tours. The final year is specific for field training and experiential learning. We are providing sports facilities and Health club to forestry students. We feed good to have well trained and qualified Forestry manpower’s for teaching, research and extention.