Faculties, Faculty of Agriculture, Ranchi
Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Position | Phone | |
1 | Dr. D. K. Shahi | University Professor cum Chief Scientist & Chairman | 9431371709 | dkshahi@bauranchi.org |
2 | Dr. B.K. Agrawal | University Professor cum Chief Scientist | 9431222937 | bkagarwal@bauranchi.org |
3 | Dr. Rakesh Kumar | University Professor cum Chief Scientist | 9431367575 | rakeshkumar@bauranchi.org |
4 | Dr. P. B. Saha | Associate Professor cum Senior Scientist | 9934525212 | saha_purendu@yahoo.com |
5 | Dr. Arvind Kumar | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 9431393494 | arvindkumar@bauranchi.org |
6 | Dr. Shashi Bhushan Kumar | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 8987662665 | |
7 | Dr. Bhupender Kumar | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 9471330181 | bhupendra@bauranchi.org |
8 | Dr. N. C. Gupta | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 9576164833 | ncguptabau@gmail.com |
9 | Dr. Prabhakar Mahapatra | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9431578997 | prabhakarmahapatra@bauranchi.org |
9 | Dr. Asha Kumari Sinha | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9431338778 | ashasinhabau@gmail.com |
10 | Bhupendra Kumar | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9471330181 | bkrssac@gmail.com |
Department of Plant Pathology
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Position | Phone | |
1 | Dr. Hem Chandra Lal | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist & Head | 9431901395 | hclal_bau@rediffmail.com |
2 | Dr. Savita Ekka | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9835160359 | drsavitaekka@gmail.com |
3 | Dr. Manoj Kumar Barnwal | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 7488612523 | barnwalban2002@rediffmail.com |
4 | Dr. Lham Dorjee | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 9821018341 |
Department of Agricultural Entomology
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Position | Phone | |
1 | Dr P. K. Singh | Chief Scientist cum University Professor & Chairman | 8986721058 | |
2 | Dr. M K. Chakraborti | Senior Scientist cum Associate Professor | mkchakravarty@bauranchi.org | |
3 | Dr. Binay Kumar | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | binaykumar@bauranchi.org |
Department of Agricultural Engineering
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Position | Phone | |
1 | Dr. D. K. Rusia | Associate Professor cum Senior Scientist & Head | 9431543781 | dkrussia@bauranchi.org |
2 | Dr. Uttam Kumar | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9470956961 | uttamkumar@bauranchi.org |
3 | Dr. Md. I. A. Ansari | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 9431769398 | irfaniitkgp2000@gmail.com |
4 | Dr. Mintu Job | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 8696658183 | mintujob@rediffmail.com |
5 | Dr. S.K. Pandey | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 9305274177 | skpandey@bauranchi.org |
6 | Dr. Pramod Rai | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 8986644713 | pramodrai@bauranchi.org |
7 | Dr. NITY TIRKEY | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CUM JUNIOR SCIENTIST | 7992335687 | nitytirkey@gmail.com |
8 | Dr. RASHMI YADAV | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CUM JUNIOR SCIENTIST | 9165405748 | yrashmi523@gmail.com |
9 | Dr. PARV NAYAK | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CUM JUNIOR SCIENTIST | 8982260097 | parvnyk2112@gmail.com |
Plant Breeding and Genetics
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Position | Phone | |
1 | Dr. Smt Manigopa Chakraborti | Chief Scientist cum University Professor & Chairperson | manigopa291061@yahoo.com | |
2 | Dr. Neeraj Kumar | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | nirajsri224@rediffmail.com | |
3 | Dr. Smt. Nutan Verma | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | nvbau2006@yahoo.co.in | |
4 | Dr. Smt Sashi Kiran Tirki | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | sktirky@gmail.com | |
5 | Dr. Surya Prakesh | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | suryapbg@gmail.com | |
6 | Smt. Aashisan Tuti | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | ashisantuti@gmail.com | |
7 | Dr. Arun Kumar | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | arun.bau4@yahoo.co.in | |
8 | Dr. Chander Shaker Mahto | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | csmahto@gmail.com | |
9 | Dr. Kamleshwar Kumar | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | kamlesh.rani_bau@rediffmail.com | |
10 | Dr Ekhlaque Ahmad | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | ekhlaque.bau@gmail.com | |
11 | Dr. Supriya Sarin | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | ||
12 | Dr. Yogendra Prasad | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor |
Department of Agronomy
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Position | Phone | |
1 | Dr. S. Karmakar | University Professor cum Chief Scientist & Chairman | skarmkar@bauranchi.org | |
2 | Dr. R. P. Manjhi | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | rpmanjhi@bauranchi.org | |
3 | Dr. Parwez Alam | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 9431325365 | parwezalam@bauranchi.org |
4 | Dr. Arvind Kumar Singh | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 9431315705 | arvindkumarsingh@bauranchi.org |
5 | Smt. R. K. Lakra | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9608395112 | rklakra@bauranchi.org |
6 | Dr. C. S. Singh | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9431314755 | cssingh@bauranchi.org |
7 | Dr. Md. Naiyer Ali | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 980124456 | nali@bauranchi.org |
8 | Dr. (Smt.) Nargish Kumari | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | nargishkumari@bauranchi.org | |
9 | Dr. (Smt.) Sheela Barla | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9431584432 | sheelabarla@bauranchi.org |
10 | Dr. Birendra Kumar | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9835503195 | Kbirendra1973@gmail.com |
11 | Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9471358967 | |
12 | Mr. A N Puran | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor |
Department of Agricultural Economics
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Position | Phone | |
1 | Dr. Kerobim Lakra | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 8004278508 |
Department of Agricultural Statistic & Computer Application
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Position | Phone | |
1 | Dr. Smt Manigopa Chakraborti | Chief Scientist cum University Professor & Chairman | 9431594011 | |
2 | Dr. Shivam Mishra | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | shivam.stats@gmail.com |
Department of Crop Physiology
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Position | Phone | |
1 |
Department of Agricultural Physics and Meteorology
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Position | Phone | |
1 | Dr. Ramesh Kumar | University Professor cum Chief Scientist & Chairman | rameshkumar@bauranchi.org | |
2 | Dr. Pragaya Kumari | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | pragyankumari@bauranchi.org |
Department of Agricultural Extension Education
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Position | Phone | |
1 | Dr. B. K. Jha | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist & Head | bkjha@bauranchi.org |
Department of Horticulture
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Position | Phone | |
1 | Dr. Sanyat Misra | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist & Head | ||
2 | Dr. Punam Horo | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | punamhoro@bauranchi.org | |
3 | Dr. S. Sengupta | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | ssengupta@bauranchi.org | |
4 | Dr. Arun Kumar Tiwari | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | arunkumartiwari@bauranchi.org | |
5 | Dr Abdul Majid Ansari | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | abdulmajidansari@bauranchi.org |
Department of Home Science
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Position | Phone | |
1 | Dr. Rekha Sinha | University Professor cum Chief Scientist & Head | 8986846476 | rekhasinha@bauranchi.org |
Department of English
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Position | Phone | |
1 | Dr. Survi Sinha | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 1928survisinha@gmail.com |